How Remodeling Your Home Could Hurt Your IAQ

Remodeling a home can be an exciting time for a family. These upgrades will make the home more comfortable and could even increase the value of the property, but they can also lead to some health issues. Chemicals and dust that accumulate during a renovation can affect the indoor air quality (IAQ), which will increase your risk of developing respiratory problems in the future.

Construction and Indoor Air Quality

Many of us tend to think of pollution as an outdoor problem, but it does not take much for contaminants to get trapped in a home. This is especially true during a remodeling project. There is a reason workers and technicians wear eye and face masks when remodeling. In addition to air contaminants from construction materials, older homes are notorious for having chemicals within the walls, which can spread once workers begin any demolition.

The Results of Poor Indoor Air Quality

One of the biggest issues with poor indoor air quality is the fact that the side effects are not always immediately noticeable. While some family members might experience issues right away, others could be damaging their body without even realizing it. For most, poor IAQ will result in problems that closely resemble the flu. This includes red eyes, a runny nose, coughing, a sore throat, nausea and congestion. These symptoms are almost always worse for the elderly, younger children and those with allergies or asthma.

Protecting Your Home and Family During Remodeling

There are some steps that a family can take to improve their home’s air quality during remodeling. This begins by speaking with the contractor to understand their strategies for limiting airborne contaminants. Many contractors will isolate the area of the home that is being remodeled and create a ventilation system. Within older homes, building materials must be tested to ensure that there are no harmful chemicals before demolition.

Contact Colman Air for Indoor Air Quality Maintenance

Whether you are looking to remodel in the next few weeks, or have recently remodeled and your family is experiencing respiratory issues, the team here at Colman Air can help. We utilize advanced tools and techniques to test for these contaminants and apply long-term solutions. Please contact us today to schedule your own air quality testing appointment.

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