Your HVAC System Can Help Fight Cold and Flu Season — Here’s How

If you’ve ever been hit hard with the flu, you know how terrible it can be. No one wants to be afflicted with a runny nose, fever and killer headache. But while lots of people fear the approach of cold and flu season, many who fear catching a cold or flu often overlook a solution right in their home: their HVAC system.

While we’re not saying to skip the flu shot this year, there are a number of different ways your HVAC system can help protect your home from cold germs and flu viruses — read on to learn how.

1. The Air Filter

During cold and flu season, your AC’s air filter is more important than ever. After all, this little AC accessory works to filter various germs from the air you breathe. As filters age and become contaminated, they can hold germs which pass through the filter and are spread throughout the rooms of your home so it’s important change your air filter once a month. Specially-treated filters that use microbial technology and UV light filtration systems are available to help clean and deodorize the air passing through the system too if you want extra flu season-fighting power.

2. Humidity Control

Did you know indoor air humidity plays a significant role in the survival of germs and viruses in your home? Studies have found that germs and viruses survive well in low humidity, making Florida essentially a breeding ground for them. On top of that, high humidity is also a problem as it can cause an increase in mold and mildew growth in the home. A properly-functioning HVAC system not only heats or cools the air, but will adjust the humidity too. If humidity is a problem in your home, we recommend scheduling an appointment with your local HVAC technician to discuss solutions. Sometimes a maintenance check is all your need to boost your system’s dehumidifiers powers, but other instances may require an additional dehumidifier.

3. Fresh Air Production

Often times, indoor air quality is very poor as the air is continuously recycled through either an air conditioner or heating system. Though low air quality may not be directly responsible for the occurrence of colds and flus, poor air quality does make these conditions worse by aggravating the respiratory system. You can greatly improve indoor air quality by adding a fresh air intake to the HVAC system. The fresh air intake will work to vent the indoor air out of the home and bring cleaner outdoor air into the home.

Learn More Ways to Improve Your Home’s Indoor Air Quality at Colman Heating & Air

When it comes to keeping germs at bay in your home, your air conditioning system plays an important role. Keep it maintained and working as efficiently as possible with the professional team at Colman Heating & Air. Call us today or visit our website to learn more about our IAQ solutions.

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