Why You Shouldn't Cover or Close AC Vents

As a homeowner, you have lots of things to stay on top of – mowing the lawn, landscaping, cleaning, organizing, paying bills, maintaining your AC and more. With so many tasks to worry about, it’s natural to want to try and make things work more efficiently – like your AC.

Maybe you don’t use one room in your house, so you think closing its air vents could help direct that cool air elsewhere. Unfortunately, that’s where a big misconception lies.

In theory, closing air vents seems like a logical tactic to increase efficiency and reduce energy costs. However, closing vents does nothing for your AC’s efficiency and the comfort level in your home. In fact, closed air vents can do a lot of damage.

The Dangers of Closing Air Vents

Your AC is like a circulatory system that distributes airflow throughout your home. In order for that air to flow efficiently, a certain amount of pressure is needed. Closing air vents is the quickest way to put this pressure off balance – and cause AC complications. These complications are not only inconvenient, but dangerous – and they put your system, your health, and your budget at risk.

5 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Close or Cover AC Vents

1. Your AC Will Need Frequent and Costly Repairs

If you want to prolong the life of your AC system, closing the vents is the last thing you want to do. When ac vents are closed, your system goes into overdrive, working harder than it should to cool your home. This causes disruptions in system efficiency, ultimately leading to AC damage. The AC components that are most vulnerable are your AC’s evaporator coil, compressor, and ductwork.

Frozen Evaporator Coil

Closed vents restrict airflow, which results in overheated air handlers and frozen evaporator coils.

Broken AC Compressor

The restricted airflow also creates a lot of pressure in the ducts. The added pressure can cause major components like your AC compressor to break down.

Leaking Ductwork

With regular preventive HVAC maintenance, ductwork can last upwards of 10 to 15 years. However, closing vents is a surefire way to cut those numbers in half. Closing AC vents cause the amount of pressure in your ducts to increase. When this pressure increases enough, your air ducts will start to tear and leak. If your ducts are already leaking, the pressure will exacerbate things even more – rendering your ductwork useless and in need of replacement.

Related: Signs You Should Replace Your Ductwork

2. You’ll be at Risk for Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

Not only do closed vents jeopardize the health of your AC system – they also pose a greater risk to you and your family. Closed air vents can make your heat exchanger crack, which causes carbon monoxide to seep into your home. The threat posed by this tasteless, colorless, and odorless gas is very serious and can result in death. Prioritize your family’s safety by installing a carbon monoxide detector and keeping air vents open at all times.

3. Decreased Efficiency Will Increase Costs

Do you care about saving money on your energy bill? If the answer is yes then do not close your AC vents! Many homeowners fall for the myth that closing vents help save on energy bills – even though that couldn’t be farther from the truth. The fact is, closed vents make your AC work overtime. The harder your AC has to work to cool your home, the higher your energy bill will be. But higher energy bills won’t be the only cost of this mistake. The constant strain on your AC will significantly decrease its lifespan – so you’ll need to have the funds for a new AC unit sooner than you might’ve expected.

4. Mold and Mildew Will be Your New Roommates

When you close your AC vents, condensation builds and moisture becomes trapped in your ductwork. This moisture creates the perfect environment for mold and mildew to thrive. Mold destroys indoor air quality and puts the health of your family at risk. If you notice a mildew smell in your home but can’t spot the source, it’s likely coming from your ductwork and will require our HVAC professionals to investigate. Ensuring your air vents are kept open is one of the best ways to prevent mold growth and costly service visits.

5. Your Home’s Comfort Will be Compromised

When supply vents are shut, return vents try to take in air from elsewhere – like outside air from cracks in ceilings, walls, and floors. This will cause inconsistent temperatures and make your home uncomfortable.

Related: 4 Energy Saving Tips For Your HVAC System

AC Service in Brevard County

At Colman, we understand that sometimes AC issues occur during the most inconvenient times. This is why we have a 24/7 AC emergency line. Call us if you need assistance ASAP, or to schedule routine HVAC maintenance.

24-HR Emergency Service: (321) 269-4565

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