How to Cut Costs and Stay Cozy This Holiday Season

Although Floridians rarely experience the frigid temperatures our northern neighbors must suffer through, the Sunshine State can experience chilly days during the winter months. Thankfully, there are creative ways to stay warm in your home this winter season. With a bit of advice from even colder climates, South Florida residents can celebrate the holidays, save money, and remain cozy all winter.

10 Ways to Cut Costs and Stay Cozy This Holiday Season

1. Gather by the fireplace, but keep the flue closed unless a fire is burning, to prevent warm air from escaping.

2. Make sure your home has setback thermostats so you can control when and how much heat you truly need.

3. Compare fuel costs and consider investing in a pellet stove to keep warm.

4. Family Christmas gifts of sweaters, slippers, and electric blankets will allow you to turn down the thermostat and save costs over time.

5. Winterize by sealing openings before the cold season, paying special attention to sliding windows, recessed lighting, walls around windows, piping, and outlets.

6. Consider the full breadth of heating fuel types available, including natural gas, electricity, fuel oil, propane, and wood.

7. Give furnace filters and vents a good cleaning before the season to maximize efficiency.

8. Move furniture around to ensure no vents or heat sources are being blocked and optimize the existing heat in your home.

9. Seal and insulate ducts in your attic, basement, and garage.

10. When a cold front passes through, keep curtains or blinds on south-facing windows open during the sunny part of the day, and keep them closed at night.

Contact Colman Heating & Air for AC Service in Brevard County

Consider these tips for the coziest and most cost-effective winter season you’ve ever spent in your home, and reach out to Colman Air for more information.

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